Caring for Your Pool Is a Lot of Work


WorkOne of the first discoveries new pool owners make is that caring for a backyard swimming pool requires a lot of time and attention. It doesn’t matter how big your pool is or whether it is in-ground or above-ground, to keep it safe and clean for your family it needs to be cleaned, filtered, chemically balanced, skimmed, and scrubbed constantly.

The problem is once you already have invested in a pool and your family has become accustomed to enjoying it, it’s too late to back out. So you are either forced to spend hours per week caring for and maintaining your pool or hiring a pool service to take care of the work for you.

Amateurs vs Professionals 

Many homeowners opt for the former at first but quickly appreciate the benefits of the latter.

In fact, at first pool care can be fun. It’s nice to get outside and skim the surface of your pool on a bright sunny morning, or set up the bottom-scooping vacuum and checking the filters and pumps. But usually, that’s for the first couple of days. And what happens when a more complicated issue occurs, such as pool chemicals going out of balance or a pump or filtering system breaking down.

That’s when it’s time to call in the professionals.

Time and Money

Then there’s the opportunity cost associated with caring for your pool on your own. Every hour you spend cleaning and maintaining your pool is time you could spend doing something else — such as going to work, spending time with your family, or simply enjoying your recreational time.

Working on a pool is work. Hard work. So the more time you spend performing the required tasks for keeping it clean and safe, the more appealing farming out the work to a professional becomes. After about a week or two of trying to maintain their new pool on their own, many homeowners come to realize the benefits of hiring pool professionals.

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