Go Green with your swimming pool


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When it comes to keep your swimming pool sparkling clean and make a pool maintenance Boca Raton, Eagle Pools Services tend to use green products as that not only brings positive effects to the environment but help in slashing the maintenance cost to a great extent. Right from adding environment friendly chemicals to eco friendly equipments, you could use green products for almost any maintenance activity for your swimming pool.

Save yourself from harmful chemical

Instead of chlorinated water, saline water is something that is now being offered by the pool maintenance companies as that does not trigger red eyes, itching skin or green hairs.

Green pumps save a lot of energy

Talking of green products for pool maintenance, the discussion will not be over if a few lines are spoken about the eco friendly pumps. Available in a wider range of speed models, these pumps serve the green cause by not wasting any energy while it is being used for cleaning and filtering purpose. Eagle Pools Services offers Pool maintenance in Boca Raton upgrading old pool pumps with the newer versions as that also brings about a lot of saving in terms of low power usage. These pumps operate at varying speeds which is very beneficial in saving energy as you would certainly not want a high speed pump for a routine activity of daily filtration of the pool water.

Go solar if you want to go green

The conventional methods used by pool maintenance Boca Raton companies to heat up the pool was by using propane gas or electric heaters which not only costs a huge amount of money but also adds a lot of carbon dioxide to the environment. You could actually go green here by making use of solar power to heat up the pool. Solar panel installers are now very popular green products which are being used extensively as a power source to the pool heating equipments. These solar installers are practically maintenance free hence a onetime investment will not only save your pocket from regular maintenance bills, but will also save the environment from tons of carbon dioxide.

Some of the most commonly used green products for pool maintenance include alternative sanitizers to get rid of the green algae that develops in the waters of the pool, auto water fillers that keeps a check on whether water is getting spilled over or not, auto pool vacuums are there to control any unnecessary wastage of water and many more. By using these green products, we can play a small part in the worldwide movement to save the environment.


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