Harness the Warmth of the Sun for Your Pool



If you don’t want to invest in a pool heater, there’s a simpler, easier way to enjoy warmer water in cooler temperatures. As the name implies, a solar pool cover is a sheet of specialized material that sits atop your pool, absorbs the heat from the sun’s rays, and transfers it to the water in your pool.

Solar pool covers are affordable, easy to install, and highly effective at heating your pool’s water without mechanical equipment. They are easy to slip on and remove. And can be stored conveniently when not in use.

Longer Po0l Use

Using a solar pool cover can extend the number of weeks or months you can use your pool after the cooler autumn weather sets in. By simply using the sun to heat your pool, you and your family can enjoy your backyard swimming pool much longer into the season than you would have without it.

The downside is that the solar cover can’t be used if you are swimming. But there are other options — including a solar dome — that allow the pool to be used while the dome is in place. Another option is a complete solar heating system, which uses free-standing solar panels to transfer heat from the sun into your pool using a pump system.

Eagle Pools

Pool heaters are expensive, can break down, and are sometimes not worth the investment. But a solar pool cover offers many of the benefits of a pool heater without the cost. Plus it can be put in place only when you need it.

Solar pool covers require direct sunlight in order to work properly. But fortunately, in South Florida sunshine is plentiful. Solar pool covers let you harness the power of this abundant resource and extend how long you and your family can enjoy your pool.

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