Taking care of your skin and hair


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The salt and chlorine dehydrate the skin, causing that dry effect. To avoid this, it is interesting to a take shower with water at a cooler temperature. Use a moisturizing soap to not dry out the skin and do not use any type of body scrub. While showering, use a body oil with quick a rinse and then apply moisturizer cream.

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The chlorine should be removed right after you get out of the pool with a simple shower, this way the chlorine doesn’t have time to act on your hair or skin.

Whenever you go to the pool, wash the hair with regular water without chlorine, and even shower before entering the pool. Thus, the hair will not absorb the chlorinated water because it will be already soggy.
For the skin, the tips are very similar. The most important thing it is to use sunscreen at all times. They help to protect your skin not only from the sun but also from pool chlorine because of the barrier that is created in your skin.
Avoid to wash your face with soap before entering the pool, as this gives a brake the protective film of the skin and it gets even more exposed.
In case of sunburn, to avoid or minimize the burning sensation and redness, soothing creams are ideal to solve that problem. They should have in their composition calamine, aloe vera, Chamomile, etc. Drinking plenty of water is also essential to avoid dehydration.
Enjoy the summer but don’t forget to take care of your body![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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