Keep Your Pool Grass-Free This Summer


Keep Your Pool Grass-Free This SummerBackyard swimming pools have the disadvantage of being in the backyard. As a result, they are prone to debris such as falling leaves and twigs from nearby trees, flying insects, and most of all blowing and drifting grass clippings.

While it is practically impossible to keep all grass entirely out of your backyard pool all the time, there are certain things you can do to minimize the problem.

Keep Your Pool Grass-Free This Summer –  Schedule Your Mowings

Grass clippings will settle on the surface of your pool when they are blown there by the wind. So the simple solution is to avoid cutting the grass when it is windy.

Check the weather report prior to mowing your lawn. If you have a lawn service, ask them to avoid cutting your lawn on windy days. If you must cut the grass in windy conditions, try to stay downwind from your pool so that the clippings blow away rather than toward the water.

Keep Your Pool Grass-Free This Summer – Use a Grass Catcher

Many lawn mowers offer users the option of mulching the clippings back onto the surface of the lawn or catching them in a basket to be emptied into the trash after mowing. Pool owners should consider the latter option so that most of the clippings are capture rather than thrown into the air.

While recycling the clippings has benefits for the health of your lawn, it makes it more challenging to keep cut grass from landing in your pool. Catching and disposing of the clippings when mowing your lawn can help reduce the problem.

Finally, sweep up any residual clippings that form on driveways or sidewalks right away. The longer they sit there, the higher the likelihood that the wind will pick them up and place them on the surface of your pool.

Cleaning grass from the surface of the pool after cutting the lawn doesn’t have to be a regular chore. Take these simple steps to keep your pool grass free even after mowing.

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