‘Is My Pool Leaking?’


Is My Pool LeakingHow can you tell if your pool has a leak? For most pool owners, believe it or not, it usually starts with a bad feeling that there’s something wrong.

Pools are continually losing water through evaporation, splashing, and due to weather events like winds or drier than normal air. But a pool that has sprung a real leak is dangerous because it can erode and weaken pool walls, spread quickly to other areas like the fill dirt that supports the pool walls and decks, and damage pumps, heaters, and other expensive pool equipment.

Pool Leak Detection

Usually, pool leaks don’t cause a dramatic drop in water levels. It’s not like a large hole will suddenly form and all your pool water will start gushing out. Instead, most pool leaks are slow. They can occur through the pool’s fittings, plumbing, or even through small cracks or holes in the shell.

Yet except for that sinking feeling that there’s something wrong, most pool owners typically can’t confirm that their pool is definitely leaking. It just happens too slowly to see or even measure. The best way to tell is to call in the pool leak detection professionals at Eagle Pools.

Our teams of experienced, knowledgeable pool technicians use specialized equipment and supplies to determine if a pool is leaking water, such as harmless dyes that allow water flow to be tracked visually.

Leak Repairs

Once the source of the leak has been detected, our trained professionals can go to work repairing the leak before it can get out of hand. While an untreated leak can cause structural damage to both your pool and equipment, identifying leaks early can make repairs relatively easy using putties, specialized tape, and sealers. In extreme cases where more than one leak has been found, pool resurfacing may be required.

If you’ve got a funny feeling that your pool may be leaking water, you probably aren’t wrong. Do something about it now before it gets out of hand. Let the experienced pool professionals at Eagle Pools locate and repair your leak so you can get back to enjoying your pool with your family and friends.

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